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  • 2021-01-29 05:21:41




() 1.A.apple B. pieC. pear

() 2.A.black B. monkey C. tiger

() 3.A.uncle B. motherC. family

() 4.A.booksB. birdC. Bananas


1.两匹马____________________ 2. little monkey______________

3.喜欢大熊猫________________ 4. cute animals_______________

5.一只肥(胖)猫____________ 6. make fruit salad____________


() 1.A: Do you have a pineapple? B: _______________.

A. Yes, I have B. No, I don’tC. How nice!

() 2.A: Here you are! B: _____________.

A. thanks. B. Great!C. Thanks.

() 3. A: What fruit do you like? B:I like__________

A. tigersB. grape C .pineapples

() 4.A: Do you like this ________? B: Yes, I like _________.

A. dog; dogs B. dogs; dogsC. dogs; dog

() 5.I like that lion._______ is fat.

A. It’sB. They’re C. It

() 6.A:Look at my apple. B:_____________.

A. How big! B. Here you are. C. Thank you.

() 7. A: How may ________do you have? B: Three

A. mangoes B. mango C. banana

() 8.I have ________orange and _______pineapple.

A. an; aB. a; anC .an; 不填

() 9.A:Do you have_______ rubbers? B: No, I don’t.

A. some B. anyC. a

() 10. It’s an animal. It’s black and white. It’s a ________.

A. grape B. horse C. panda

四、从右栏中找出左栏相应的答句。写在题前括号内(20分) ( )1. Do you like cakes?A.It’s time for bed ( )2.What would you like? B.Thanks.

( )3.Would you like a pie? C.I’d like a toy panda. ( )4.Look at my dog. D.No, I don’t

( )5.Is this a monkey? E.It’s a toy monkey. ( )6.What do you like? F.Yes,it is. ( )7.It’s nine o’clock. G.Yes, please. ( )8.How many pencils do you have? H. It’s cute. ( )9.Here you are.I.Four.

( )10.What is that? J. I like monkeys


1. atfat animals theselook(.)

2. you do likehorse this(?)

3. and are cute theyfat (.)

4. you do havebananas any (?)


5. many how oranges you have do (?)




Do you________ ________? Yes, I do.

. ? .




(时间:40分钟 )

得分____________ 听力部分

(8分) )1. A. me B. he C. she )2. A. father B. funny C. family )3. A. swim B. sweet C. skate )4. A. fourB. fourteenC. football )5. A. where B. whatC. who )6. A. capB. cup C. can )7. A. sureB. rice C. nice )8. A. have B. horseC. here (6分) )1. A. Yes, I can.B. Yes, I do.)2. A. Look at our fruit salad. B. Let’s make a fruit salad. )3. A. What do you like?B. What would you like? )4. A. Do you like this cat? B. Do you like cats? )5. A. I can play basketball. B. I can play baseball. )6. A. I’m fifteen.B. I’m sixteen. (10分) )1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I can.C. Yes, I am. )2. A. Yes, I do. B. No, thanks.C. Yes, I can. )3. A. Yes, I do. B. I have three. C. I’d like mangoes. )4. A. Yes, I do. B. No, I can’t.C. I can play football )5.A. I can swim. B.She can skate. C.He can jump.


1. A: Do you like ___________?

B: No, I _________.

2. A: Let’s ________ a fruit salad.

B: Wonderful!

3. A: Can you play ____________?

B: No, I __________. I can play _____________.




1、当然____________2. these toy animals ____________

3、那只熊猫______________4. our fruit salad _________________

5. 看我 _____________ 6. cute and fat _________________

7.一些葡萄 ______________ 8. Have a try_________________

9.十四个芒果______________ 10.Don’t be sad. _________________


( )1. —Look at my doll. —

A. How beautiful! B. Thank you.C. Here you are.

( )2. That issmall apple.

A. a B.an C. am

( ) 3.—Where’s my toy lion? —It’s the bathroom,

the sofa.

A. on; in B. in; on C. on; on

( )4. —Can I have some milk? —

A. Yes,I can. B. Sure, here you are.C. Thanks.

( )5. — Do you have any grapes?—

A.Yes ,I have. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, I am.

( )6. The mangoes aremy sister.

A. to B. forC. give

( ) 7. — is the cake? —It’s five yuan.



(时间:60分钟 满分:100分)



( )1.A.pen B.ball pen C.pencil

( )2.A.have B.here C.there

( )3.A.like B.look C.let

( )4.A.bike B.like C.look

( )5.A.your B.youC.know

( )6.A.she B.heC

( )7.A.yellow B.blue C.orange

( )8.A.twelve B.elevenC.seven

( )9.A.dog B.door C.doll

( )10.A.pandas B.tigersC.lions


( )1.A. I like tigers. B.I like tiger.

C.I like a tiger.

( )2.A. It's an egg. B.It's'an panda.

C.It's an dog.

( )3.A. Yes,l don't. B.No,I do.

C.Yes,I do.

( )4.A. Yes,it is. B.No,it is.

C.No,they are.

( )5.A. Good moming. B.Good afternoon.

C.Good evening.


Helen: What's____English?

Mike: It's an____

Helen: Do you like____?

Mike: Yes,I do. What do you like?

Helen: I like____



1.this(对应词) ____




5.thin(反义词) ____



7.a bus(复数形式) ____



10. I'm(完整形式)

五.单项选择。 (20分)

( )1. Where____ my pen?

A. is B. are C. am

( )2. -Thank you.


A. All right. B. OK. C. Not at all.

( )3. -Do you like toys?


A. Yes,I don't. B. No,I do. C. Yes,l do.

( )4. -What's that?

-____ a fat tiger.

A. It's B. They're C. Theyis '.

( )5. This is ____ elephant.

A. a B. an C. they

( )6. What's this ____ English?

A. on B. inC. under

( )7. - ____is my ruler?

-It's in your pencil case.

A. Where's B. Where C. What

( )8. -1 like blue skirts.


A. Me too. B. OK. C. Great.

( )9. That's ____little pencil-box.

A. IB. my C. he

( )10. -Nice to meet you.


A. Hello. B. Goodbye.C. Nice to meet you,too


1. This is____ (I/my) father.

2. My apples____(is/are) big.

3. This is____ (a/an) elephant.

4.I____( am/is)a girl.

5. Do you like ____ (yellow/yellows)?



I’d _____a _____ _____ _____


一不,不喜欢。 7

一_____you like_____ _____

一No,I______ 新

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