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  • 2021-01-28 20:36:32




1. 图画 re 2. 计算机 ter 4. 强壮的

3. 书包5. 鞋 e


1. thin(反义词) ___________ 2.what`s (完全形式) ___________

3. long (反义词) _________4. candy(复数) ________ _

5. she(物主代词) ___________


( ) 1. My bag is A.yellowB. red C. cat

( )A. glasses B.thinC.tall

( ) 3. I likeA. Chinese B. maths C. candy

( ) A. window B. quiet C. light

( ) A.glasses B.friendlyC.hat


()1.Look ________ the blackboard!

A. atB. /C. to

()2.We ______ a new classroom.

A. have B. has C. had

()3.--- I have two .

A. friend B. book C. books

()4. Mike : Nice to meet you . John: _____________________.

A. Nice to meet you,too. B. Good morning . C. Hi

()5. Let______clean the board.

A. me B. myC. I

()6. How many ________do you have?

A math books B math book C a math book

()7. _________ is it? ---It’s red.

A. What B. Where C. What colour

( ) 8.---_______ is my pencil? ---It’s under your book.

A. WhatB. WhereC. Who

( )9. ---What`s name ? --- Zhang Peng.

A. he B. HisC. her

( )10. I have _________ English book and________ story-book.

A. a , aB. an , an C. an , a


1. What`s in the classroom?

2. I have a new schoolbag.

3. He`s tall and strong.

4. Let me clean the window.

5. What colour is it?


( )1. What colour is it? A. I have 2.

( )2. How many friends do you have? B. It’s yellow.

( )3. What`s in your schoolbag? C. OK.

( )4. What`s his name? D. His name is Tim.

( )5. Let`s clean the classroom. E. 3 pencils and many books.


1. go / Let`s / see/ and / .


2. friend / a / I / have / new / . ______________________________________________

3. her / What /name / is ?


4. red / has / shoes / She / . _______________________________________________

5. window / It`s / the / near / . _______________________________________________


( )1.刚刚认识一位新朋友,怎样给他打招呼:

A.Good morning! B.Nice to meet you.

( )2. 上课时,老师提醒大家看黑板,会说:

A.Are you OK ? B.Look at the blackboard.

( )3. 当介绍新朋友Bob给大家认识,会说:

A.This is Bob.B.Bob has a new schoolbag.

( )4 . 你想知道你班新来男同学的姓名,你问其他同学说:

A. Where is my stroybook ? B. What`s his name?

( )5. 当你找不到你的钥匙,你会说:

A Where is my key?B .Who is she?


I have three friends. They`re Ann, Mike and Bob. Bob is tall and strong. He likes English best(最好的). Mike is short and thin. He is very friendly. He like maths best. Ann is very quiet. She has long hair and small mouth. She like Chinese best.

( ) 1. Bob is a strong boy.

( ) 2. Mike and Bob like English.

( ) 3. Mike is tall and thin.

( ) 4. Ann has short hair and a small nose.

( ) 5. Ann is very quiet.







( )1. A.kite B. quiet C. fine

( )2. A. bedroom B. bathroom C. living room

( )3. A. spoon B. soup C. fork

( )4. A. brother B. father C. mother

( )5. A. doctor B. driver C. nurse

( )6.A. I’d like some rice and soup. B. I’d like some rice and fish.

C. I’d like some noodles and fish.

( )7. A. Pass me a plate, please. B. Pass me a fork, please.

C. I have a spoon.

( )8. A. My father is a farmer.B. My father is a teacher.

C. My mother is a doctor.

( )9. A. She’s my sister.B. He’s my uncle. C. She’s my aunt.

( )10. A. Can I have some soup? B. Can I have some noodles?

C. Can I have some beef?



)11. A. B.



)12. A.




)13. A. B.



)14. A. B.



)15. A.





)16. (



)18. (





( )21. A. She’s a doctor. B. She likes music. C. She’s my aunt.

( )22. A. Yes, we are. B. Yes, you’re right.C. No, he isn’t.

( )23. A. Yes. Pass me a spoon. B. Yes, please. C. Help yourself.

( )24. A. I’d like some chicken. B. I’d like some milk.

C. I’d like some hot dog.

( )25. A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t. C. Yes, she is.




( )1. A. bowl B. spoonC. vegetable

( )2. A. juice B.sofa C.table

( )3. A. chopsticksB. noodlesC. fork

( )4. A. soup B. studyC. bedroom

( )5. A. beefB. chicken C. phone


( )1. The bowls and chopsticks are in the ______

A. bathroom B. living room C. kitchen

( )2. Go to the _____. Watch TV.

A. living roomB.bathroom C. study

( )3. 你想要一些果汁,你该用英语说:_____.

A. I like some vegetables B. I’d like some juice.

C. I have some bread.

( )4. 当别人送你礼物时,你应该说: _____.

A. Thank you!B. You’re welcome. C. I’m sorry.

( )5. 晚餐准备好了,假如你是小主人,你应该说:______

A. What’s for dinner? B. What would you like for dinner?

C. Dinner is ready!


( )1. How many people are there in your family? A. My father is a doctor.

( )2. What’s your father’s job?B. four.

( )3. What would you like? C. OK.

( )4. Let’s clean the classroom ? D. An English book, a Chinese book..

( )5. What’s in your schoolbag? E. I’d like some juice.




班级:____________姓名:_______________分数:______________ 一、把下列单词补充完整。(10分)

1、 t_y2、 b__k3、 w_dow 4、 frie_d 5、b_y

玩具书 窗户朋 友 6、 com_ut_r7、 r_ler 8、 gr_l 9、 penc_l-case计算机 尺子女孩 铅 笔 盒 二、找出每组单词中不同类的一项,将其代号写在括号里。(10分) ( )1、 A、 window B、black boardC、 black ( )2、 A、 colour B、 Chinese book C、 math book ( )3、A、 thin B、 strongC、 door ( )4、 A、 hat B、 nose C、 mouth ( )5、 A、 bag B、 pencilC、 we ( )6、 A、 computerB、 big C、 small ( )7、 A、 book B、 teacher C、 ruler

( )8、 A、 desk B、 chairC、 computer game ( )9、A、 teacherB、 student C、 school ( )10、A、 underB、 near C、 where 三、单项选择。( 20分)

( )1、I have __English book.

A 、a B 、an C 、two

( )2、How many __do you have?

A、 pencils B 、pencil C 、pen




( )3、I have a sister.__name is Lili.

A 、HisB、 She C、 Her

( )4、__is my book?

A、 What B、 Where C 、How ( )5、__is she?She is Amy.

A、 What B 、whereC、 Who ( )6、__colour is it?

A、 What B、 WhereC、 Who ( )7、Let__clean the window.

A 、I B、 me C、 we

( )8、What is __name?His name is Zhang Peng.

A、 herB、 hisC、 he

( )9.This___my friend.

A.are B.is C.am

( )10.I’m____ _American.

A.from B.at C.a

四、从B 栏中找出A栏相对应的答语。(30分)

A B ( )1.What’s your name? A .No .

( )2.Where are you from? B. I’m from America.. ( )3.How old are you? C. She is a teacher. ( )4.What’s your mother? D. I’m 10.

( )5.Is he a student?E. My name is Lisa.



2 A B ( )1、How many pencils do you have?A、 His name is Mike. ( )2、Where is my picture?B、 Ten story books. ( )3、What colour is this bag? C、 Thank you.

( ) 4、What is his name? D、 I have three pencils. ( )5、What’s in the schoolbag? ( ) 6、Let me help you? ( )7、How many English books can you see?( )8、Who is your good friend?( )9、What do you like? ( )10、Who is she?


1 . a is door it

__________________________________________ -2. the where is chair

__________________________________________ 3seeLet’s and go

___________________________________________ 4.big isso It

____________________________________________ 5. schoolbag myhasfriendayellow____________________________________________


E、 F、 G、 H、I、 J、. . . . .

It is near the door. Lili is my good friend. It is orange. She is my sister. I can see five.

I like English. 3

七 。小小翻译官(6分) 1. Turn on the light .

____________________________ 2.

Sweep the floor . __________________________ 3. Open the door.



I have a friend. Her name is WangChen.She is ten. She is a girl from ShangHai. She is cute. She has big eyes,a small nose,a small mouth and long black hair. She likes English very much. She likes Chinese ,math , too. WangChen and I are in Class Three. We are good friends.

( )1、WangChen is a boy. ( )2、She is twelve. ( )3、She is from ShangHai. ( )4、She has a big mouth. ( )5、She likes English very much. ( )6、WangChen and I are in Class Three.



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