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Unit9 Lesson 4 Car Culture Period2教学设计

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  • 2021-02-02 07:53:56

Unit9 Lesson 4 Car Culture Period2教学设计


  Analysis of teaching material This lesson is the fourth lesson of Unit 9 in M3. This lesson is divided into two classes: the first class is focused on reading and language points on Page 42 and the second part emphasizes on Page43 and complete the reading,speaking as well as written output tasks.It is the second period , focused on training Ss’ reading strategy of completing notes. The content is mainly about how to solve the problems caused by traffic. The reading material is advice, putting forward some practical proposals. Therefore, in this lesson we will learn more about car culture and how to solve the problems caused by traffic.

  Analysis of students All the topics and teaching materials in the book comes from students’ real life. Ss have been aware of the future and development of the automobile traffic in the first three classes, which has laid a good foundation for the course of the reading and output. In this course Ss need to learn and master the reading strategies of completing notes, which is in form of finding and filling. But it is still difficult for them to catch the useful expressions to express themselves and then write them out


  Knowledge aim To help the students master the important words and expressions concerning how to solve the problems caused by traffic.

  Ability aim

  1.To develop the students’ reading ability by scanning & skimming, esp. a good command of making notes of the important information in reading. 2.To apply what they have learn on Page 43 to write a passage about the advantages and disadvantages of owning a car, and how they will participate in “In Town Without My Car!”

  Emotional aim

  1. To let students aware of environmental problems caused by cars.

  2. To encourage Ss to do all they could do to create a clean & beautiful environment.

  3.教学重点 难点分析

  Key Points1. To grasp some key information and useful expressions by reading the passage on Page43.2. To apply the key information and useful expressions they have learned to composition.

  Difficult Point To take notes of the key information effectively in reading.



  2. 利用挪移网络化多媒体辅助教学



  Lead in the topic with a flash “An advertisement of a racing car”


  Step 2.Pre-reading(6’)

  1. Ask and answer: Can you say something about the advantages

  and disadvantages of cars?

  Task1. Can you talk about both cars’ advantages and disadvantages?1.The advantages of the cars:


  2.The disadvantages of the cars_______________________________________

  1)Social influence:_________________________________________________

  2)Personal influence:______________________________________________



  1.Which sentence below summarises the writer’s attitude to cars(Page43,Ex3) ?

  2..Read the passage quickly and find out what advice Jenny gives to solve the problems caused by cars.

  设计意图:通过快速阅读,了 解作者态度并找出六大要点,掌握文章大意

  Step4. Careful-reading(15’)

  Task4:Read the missing sentences, and then put them in the correct gaps in the text(Two sentences are extra).

  Task5 :Fill in the blanks with proper words.

  What to doAdvantages

  1.___________(walk)Save you 2.________

  Keep you 3._________(health)

  Help you have a longer 4.______(live).

  Cut the risk of heart disease 5.______ 50%.

  Using public transport6._______(relax) on the bus or train

  Read a book

  Talk to 7. _______

  Maybe meet the love of 8.______(you) life

  Thinking 9.________(two)Make your 10.________(decide) wiser.

  Sharing cars11.________(little) expensive and kinder to the environment.

  Not12._________(believe) advertisements!Avoid 13._________(waste) your money on a car 14.________ won’t make you more 15.________(attract)

  Don’t have to drive on 16._______(crowd)roads.

  Don’t have to get 17._______(stick) in a traffic jam.

  Taking 18.______(act) somehow: Talk to your 19.________(neighbour) about the traffic, write to the papers ,go to the city government to ask for 20.______ speed limit and a pedestrian area.

  Step5.Useful expressions(10’)

  Task2.In English, some words often go together to form common expressions. Match the words below.(EX6,Page43)

  1.to make a) twenty minutes

  2. around b) a conversation

  3. to go up c) journey

  4. to get stuck d)fit

  5.heavy e)an excuse

  6.a short f)in a traffic jam

  7.to keep g)by 20%

  8.to have h)transport

  9. public i)the corner

  10.to take j)traffic

  Task3:Find out the useful expressions in the passage.

  1.对…有 害:___________________________2.继续做某事:___________________________

  3.找借口: ___________________________4.沉迷于…: ___________________________


  6.降低患心脏病的几率: ___________________________

  7.公共交通 ________________________ 8.平均起来: ___________________________

  9.那又怎么样?________________________ 10.遇见生命 中的挚爱:____________________

  11. 在 拐弯处,在 就近;立即来临___________________________

  12.使你更有 吸引力:____________________13.被。。。困住:___________________________

  14. 要求限制速度:_____________________15.申请划出步行区:______________________

  16.捡起;获得;收拾;(汽车;飞机)乘载;不费力地学会_______________________________Task6.Translate the six sentences.

  1.太多车对人们的健康有 害。




  3.许多 中学男生沉溺于电脑游戏






  6.既然在 拐角处有 一个超市,你为何要去城市的另一边买东西呢?


  Step5.Group work:Post -reading:discussion(8’)

  Task7.Can you think of any other way to participate in “In Town Without My Car!”

  Step6: Summary(1’)

  Step7. Self-assessment

  Step7: Homework

  1. Write a passage about the advantages and disadvantages of owning a car, and how you will participate in “In Town Without My Car!”

  2. Finish off the exercise on www.xiw.cn
