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  • 2016-08-11 19:20:16





Which do you prefer, e-books or paper books?

这是有关于雅思口语考试Part 1的经典选择类题目,此题的解题关键是给出明确的选择并给出2-3个合适的理由即可,需要有明确的答题结构,即topicsentence- supporting details- conclusion.重点在于supporting details的有层次性的解释。





适度地使用程度副词(尽量避免通篇very),在程度副词上有一定气息的延长,听起来就非常地convincing,比如I re~~ally hatepolitics. It's extre~~mely boring and a~~bsolutely useless.考试的时候尽量用一些生活化的词汇,考官听到后会觉得这是你真实想法的流露,即使用词很简单,也不会影响分数,因为这就是生活啊。



要获得雅思口语7分,需要准备一些常用的slang(俚语)以及proverb(俗语),例如There is no accounting fortastes(萝卜青菜各有所爱), Once bitten, twice shy(一朝被蛇咬十年怕井绳)。只要在考试的时候能够适当用上一些slang orproverb,考官定会对你刮目相看。




Describe a famous person that you are interested in.

You should say:

Who this person is

How you got to know this person

What sort of life he/she had before he/she became famous

How this person became famous

And explain why you like this person


How do people become famous?

What qualities do (all or most or many) famous people have in common?

Do you think people are famous as a result of their real talent or are theyfamous for some other reasons?


1.What does perfume mean to you?

Well, for me, I think perfume is a special decoration and is also a signalof one’s personality andhobbies. For instance, if a lady wears a perfume thathas a rose’s flavor, it might indicate that she is romantic and tends to datewith romantic men.

2.Do you give perfume as a gift?

Yes, I do give perfume as a gift. Last winter, I traveled to Egypt, acountry famous for it’s perfume.When I was in its capital Cairo, I found a veryspecial perfume and I bought it for my mom. My mom was very delighted andfascinated by my gift, and she now often wears it when going out.

3.Do you use perfume?

I do use perfume sometimes, but I do not use it on daily basis. Whenattending some important events, such as weddings, ceremonies or formal dinners,I would use some perfume on my suit.However, I am not a fan of perfume in dailylife, and do not use it frequently.

4.What kind of perfume do you like?

Personally speaking, in comparison to those perfumes with very strongflavors, I prefer those with lighter flavors. For example, I enjoy perfumes withnatural flavors such as flowers or woods,as I consider it is more suitable for aboy, and is also more acceptable for others.


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