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  • 2016-08-11 03:15:54



“我自己如何能在家提高口语水平呢? 我在哪里可以找到一些实用的考试题呢?该如何提高我的发音和流畅水平呢?通常情况下我晚上需要工作,有时周末也工作,所以我没办法按时参加雅思的备考课程。”这样的话,以下是我的回复:

你需要进行大量的口语练习,并在考试前做好一切准备。要一直地说,各种不同的话题都要涉及---比如:关于你自己、你的国家、你的思想和观点等话题都可以用来练习口语。这会使你的口语表达更加自然并为你为在口语测试中遇到的任何突如其来的话题做好准备。不管有无错误,如果你不进行大量口语练习,你就不会在口语水平上取得真正的进步。你练习得越多,口语就会变得越容易。 如果你尽可能多地练习口语,你的口语水平很快就会得到迅速提高。


如果你不能与母语为英语的人的谈话也不必担心。 你也可以自己独自练习口语。虽然独自练习口语的时候没有人回应你的谈话,但是只要开口练习,你就能有机会去尝试用不同的方式来说话,而这也将增强你的信心。同时这也会弥补你在词汇量和语法上的缺点,让你以这种集中的方式学习新的单词和语法结构。


? 描述自己所见到的周围的事物;在旅途中所看到的、经历的事情。

? 早晨的时候可以想象接下来的一天将要发生的事情,晚上的时候再回顾今天发生的事情。

? 当你逛超市时,告诉自己你需要什么,为什么需要。

? 阅读一篇关于任何话题报纸文章,并给出简短的摘要。


发音是发出正确的英文读音。 当然,应该首先确保你的语调和节奏是正确的---不仅仅是各自单独的发音,还有他们在一起时的发音。

改进发音最重要的方法就是练习听力。 通常,语言学习者在领会到各个发音的区别之前,都想尝试发出正确的读音。如何能够听出这些发音的区别呢?一种方法就是对广播或电视节目(如:新闻)录音30秒。 然后自己重述,以此来对比自己的发音与广播电视节目里发音的不同。要连续不断地练习——这是一个缓慢的过程,在你可以正确地发音之前,可能会需要重复多次很困难的发音。

当你练习发音时,学习如何连读尤其困难。 当一个单词是以辅音结束而下一个单词是以元音开始的时候,这时两个单词可以连读。 在“jumpsover”中,第一个单词的结尾辅音应与下一个单词的元音连读。 例如,“She works in an old office”听起来的发音应该是“Shework-si-na-nol-doffice.”

当听英语时,单词连读可能会产生一个很棘手的问题。一个基本的听力技能就是能够听出单词,并且能够理解单词发音在哪里开始和结束。英文连读时发音都连在一块儿,这样听力的难度就会加大。幸运的是,随着你发音的改进,你的听力理解能力也会大有进步。 一旦你能够区分相似发音或学会连读,理解英语口语就只是小菜一碟了!



与是否可以正确发音比起来,流利程度与心理因素有更多关系。要做到流利,你需要对自己的词汇量以及将每个单词以合乎语法的顺序组合起来有足够的信心。换句话说, 流利就是非常自信地用英语表达自己。为有效增加自信和提高流利程度,你需要通过大量工作来提高你的词汇量和语法知识。以下是适用于提高口语测试第2部分(二分钟谈话)的一种方法:

? 利用盒式录音机或MP3播放器,自备一个话题,然后对此话题进行一至两分钟的陈述并同时录音。

? 录音完毕后再听录音。 你的英文听起来流利吗? 你能否找出单词或语法错误? 应该如何改正?

? 接下来,重复同一话题2分钟的谈话。 这一次,尽量试着不要停顿,更改或者重复。

? 再次听录音。 注意听本次录音与前次录音的不同之处以及你在口头表达所取得的进步。

? 第三次就同一话题进行陈述并分析。但是也不要对同一个话题练习太多遍,否则你可能会将话题内容背诵下来了!

? 进行录音的次数越多,你就会越自信、流利,并且听起来也会比较自然。你会发现你还能增加更多细节。












Step1 读题后立即回忆,尽量说出练习内容;

Step2 用文字描述话题,并尝试使用老师提供的核心词和关键短语;




而且对于想拿高分的同学,除了练习题目之外,也可以通过平日生活里的练习,强化口语表达的反应度和多角度。因为我们在雅思口语的备考中,解释、描述、辩论等能力也是很有挑战性。比如英汉显著的差别使得大多数同学在说英语的时候,很少能注意使用不同的时态,而这在考官看来是极难容忍的。要想从根本上解决这个问题,还是应该要从生活中的日常事情入手,多问问自己whatdid I do, how did I fee about it等。


Describe a piece of clothing that someone gave you.

what it was

when you received it

who gave it to you

and explain if this gift was important to you.


I have got a beautiful suite from my dad marking my 20th birthday thisyear. It was a nicely made suit with the finest clothing. The fabric wasattractive and the colour was impressive. I felt lucky to have that on myshare.

I received the suit on the evening before my birthday party began. My dadrushed to the home and asked me to meet him in his room. I knew that he wastrying to surprise me with something. But I did not understand that this wouldbe a nice piece of a suit. In fact, it was out of my idea that he would bringthe suit for me. I did not know how he got the measurement of my body as thesuit took me in perfectly. My father is an interesting man. He loves to surprisepeople. But most of the time, the people – whom he is trying to surprise, getideas about the surprise. So, he is unable to surprise them in most of thecases. But in this case, I was really surprised and my dad was happy to completehis mission. He gave me the costume and it cost him a lot, I know.

Of course, it was an extraordinary gift to me. It was from my father whom Iadore the most in my life. Besides, it was my birthday gift from him. So,definitely, this was an important gift for me. Moreover, the suit was made ofthe colour I really like. It was dark blue and sewed from a renowned andspecialized tailor of the city. I have been using the suit to attend formaloccasions and take the right care of it.


Describe a photo of yourself that you like.

When the photograph was taken

What it looks like

What significant memory you have regarding this photograph

and explain why it is one of your favourite photographs.


Well, these days such photographs are called 'selfie' and I did not knowthat there was something called selfie until I turned to 23! Selfie is indeed acraze these days while it was unheard of in the past, at least to me. Thephotograph that I would like to talk about was not a so-called selfie thatteenagers take these days using the front camera of their mobile phones. I tookthis picture many years ago when I was around 12 years old with a large Canoncamera.

My father gave me this camera on my 12th birthday and this was the firsttime when I owned a camera. I loved to capture pictures of my relatives andbeautiful sceneries. We had to use a rolled film at that time called ‘rollfilm’and did not have the freedom to take as many photos as we wanted unlike thedigital camera owners have these days.

One day I was invited to one of my friends' birthday party and his parentsrequested me to bring my camera with me. I took many photos at that party and atnight when I returned from the party, I noticed that 2-3 film strips were stillempty and I could take more photos before I send the film roll to be washed andprinted. At that time I was in my room and could not find anything suitable tocapture. I was standing in front of the looking glass and the idea of taking myown picture popped into my head. It was a Canon CF-23 model camera and had only3-4 options to adjust the light and flash while taking a photo. I had to spendmore than 5 minutes to capture the picture and after I saw the printed versionof this photo, I loved it.

The picture shows me standing straight and holding a camera in front of myeyes. The backlight was visible and was more like a shining star in the sky. Apart of the room was visible but everything in the opposite direction as it wasthrough the mirror. I like this photo very much. It was taken by me, the ideawas new, at least to me and the photo looks nice. My mother has this picture inher picture album and every time I see this photo, it reminds me my teenagedays.


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