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  • 2016-08-09 19:04:33

paper有什么意思呢?paper它的用法是怎样的呢?今天小编给大家带来了paper的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。



n. 纸,文件,论文,文章

vt.& vi. 贴纸

vt. 包装,用纸覆盖,贴壁纸,提供纸张,[俚语] 提供免费入场券

vi. 贴糊墙纸,发交通违章传票

adj. 纸制的,似纸的,有名无实的

变形:过去式: papered; 现在分词:papering; 过去分词:papered;



paper的基本意思是“纸”,通常用作物质名词,不可数。如表示可数性,则须借助于单位词。“一小张纸”是a piece of paper;“一大张标准尺寸的纸”是a sheet of paper。paper作“写过字的纸”解时,是可数名词,有复数形式。




That paper has yellowed with age.那张纸因年代久远而泛黄了。

The letter was written on a single sheet of paper.这封信只用一张纸写成。

He refused to subscribe his name to the paper.他拒绝在这文件上签字。




1、He wiped away the blood with a paper napkin.


2、Under the newspaper, atop a sheet of paper, lay an envelope.


3、Stein rolled up the paper bag with the money inside.


paper词组 | 习惯用语

on paper 以书面形式;在名义上

paper industry 造纸工业

paper making n. 造纸

paper machine 造纸机

waste paper 废纸

a piece of paper 一张纸

paper mill n. 造纸厂

on the paper 在纸上

white paper 白皮书;白纸

test paper 试纸;测验试卷;供检定笔迹的文件

research paper 研究论文;研究报告

printing paper 印刷纸;晒图纸

paper pulp n. 纸浆

paper bag 纸袋子

paper box 纸箱

toilet paper 卫生纸,厕纸

paper money 纸币;钞票

filter paper 滤纸(尤制定量滤纸)

coated paper 铜版纸,涂料纸;盖料纸

paper cutting 剪纸


1.Paper is made in a paper mill.纸是在造纸厂生产的。

2.Promotional pamphlet, Brochure, Poster, Menu, Tablemat, Memo, Coaster,Paper fan, Other paper premiums.宣传册子、海报、餐牌、餐台纸、杯垫、纸扇、其他纸类赠品。

3.Our products contains pearlized paper, leatherette paper with many kindsof embossed patterns.主要生产珠光纸,充皮纸,各种花色压纹纸等。

4.The paper introduces the technology of red supercalenderedsemitransparent fruit-cultivating inner bagpaper.主要讨论了经超级压光的红色半透明育果内袋纸的生产工艺。

5.In this paper, MPL on wetproof carbon paper were preparation by screenprinter technology.本文通过一种丝网印刷技术在疏水的碳纸上复合了微孔层。

6.Please help me arrange these papers.请帮我整理这些文件。

7.A vulgar flaring paper adorned the walls.墙壁上装饰着廉价的花纸。

8.Andrew spotted the advert in the paper.安德鲁注意到了报纸中的这条广告。

9.Oiled Paper Umbrella have got auctorial signature.每把上面都有作者的亲笔签名。

10.Merrill stapled a batch of papers together.梅里尔用订书钉把一叠纸钉在一起。

11.The floor was bestrewn with waste paper.地板上到处都是废纸。

12.This paper reports Bombus fauna(Hymenoptera,Apidae)in HebeiProvince,China.作者在2005~2008年对河北省的熊蜂区系进行了调查。

13.The report was buried under miscellaneous papers.那份报告被各种各样的文件所覆盖。

14.Misprints often crop up in the papers.报上常出现印刷错误。

15.The paper is in my desk drawer.论文在我书桌的抽屉里。

16.He disturbed the papers on my desk.他弄乱了我桌上的文件。

17.This flower was drawn on the paper.这朵花儿被画在了纸上。

18.Each apple was individually wrapped in paper.每个苹果都用纸单独包着 。

19.He jumbled the pages in the paper.他把纸张的顺序弄乱了。

20.Write on the lines of the paper.顺着纸上的线条书写。


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