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  • 2016-08-08 02:43:54



一、三级笔译 VS. 中级口译







笔者: 嗯哪嗯哪,是这样滴~有打算继续考二级口译不?



















笔者: 很有针对性的方法哈~那么,如果准备口试的话,有啥计划没有泥?








Part A Compulsory Translation (必译题)(30 points)

The Dreadlock Deadlock

In the fall of 1993 Christopher Polk transferred from FedEx‘s hub inIndianapolis to take over a delivery route in Flatbush District, Brooklyn, N.Y.But moving to the country’s largest community of Caribbean and Africanimmigrants only precipitated a far more profound journey. "I was becomingculturally aware of the history of the black people," says Polk, now 31, "andthat gave me these spiritual questions." His answer came providentially, by wayof a music video featuring Lord Jamal, who raps about the Rastafarian belief inthe sanctity of dreadlocks - the cords of permanently interlocked strands firstworn by African chiefs perhaps 6,000 years ago.

Now a practicing Rastafarian, Polk sports thick garlands that gentlycascade onto his shoulders. "Your hair is your covenant," he says. "Once yougrow your locks, it puts you on a path."

Unfortunately, that path was a collision course with Federal Express‘sgrooming policy, which requires men to confine their dos to "a reasonablestyle." After years of deliberation, Polk’s bosses gave him a choice: shear hislocks or be transferred to a lower-paid job with no customer contact. He refusedboth options and was terminated in June 2000.

His tale is not unique. Although Rastafarians number about 5,000nationally, today dreadlocks, twists or braids are at the height of fashion,nearly as common as Afros were 30 years ago. If Afros symbolized militancy,dreads signal a more spiritual self-declaration, a figurative locking withAfrican ancestors. As Stanford professor Kennell Jackson, who teaches a coursecalled "African Coiffures and Their New World Legacies," puts it, "There‘s adivinity to these locks."

Divine or not, some employers consider them unacceptably outré. Six otherNew York-area FedEx employees have lost their jobs because of dreadlocks. Theyhave sued, alleging religious discrimination; the U.S. Equal EmploymentOpportunity Commission and New York‘s attorney general have also charged FedExwith violating religious protections in the Civil Rights Act.

The dreadlock deadlock may be easing. FedEx altered its policy slightly afew weeks ago: in the future, observant employees who seek a waiver may weartheir locks tucked under uniform hats, says a company spokeswoman. Theconcession isn‘t enough to settle the lawsuits yet. The EEOC also wantsreinstatement for the fired drivers, says trial attorney Michael Ranis. He’soptimistic. Some new styles, he knows, grow more appealing over time.


We mark the passing of 800 years, and that is indeed a remarkable span forany institution. But history is never an even-flowing stream, and the mostremarkable thing about modern Cambridge has been its enormous growth over thepast half century. Since I came up as an undergraduate in 1961 the studentpopulation has more than doubled. More students have meant more teachers, and,even more significantly, more scholars devoted solely to research: everycategory has more than doubled in numbers. This huge increase has been partlyabsorbed by an expansion of the colleges: they all have more students and moreFellows than they did 50 years ago; and, since 1954, no fewer than 11 of the 31colleges are either brand new foundations, or have been conjured up as newcreations from existing but quite different bodies. From being a universityprimarily driven by undergraduate education, Cambridge's reputation is nowoverwhelmingly tied to its research achievements, which can be simplyrepresented by the fact that more than three-quarters of its current annualincome is devoted to research. This has brought not just new laboratories butnew buildings to house whole faculties and departments: in the mid-20th centuryfew faculties had a physical manifestation beyond, perhaps, a library and acouple of administrative offices.

Cambridge attracts the best students and academics because they find theUniversity and the colleges stimulating and enjoyable places in which to liveand work. The students are thrown in with similarly able minds, learning as muchfrom each other as from their teachers; the good senior academics know betterthan to be too hierarchical or to cut themselves off from intellectual criticismand debate.

One generation dismisses another: not even Erasmus or Newton, Darwin orKeynes stand unscathed by the passage of time; nor can we be but humbled,especially in our day when so much information is so easily accessible, by thevast store of knowledge which we can approach but never really control. Ourlibrary and museum collections bring us into contact with many lives lived inthe past. They serve as symbols of the continuity of learning, or the diversityof views,of an obligation to wrestle with fact and argument, to come to our ownconclusions, and in turn to be accountable for our findings. The real quest isnot for knowledge, but for understanding.
