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  • 2016-06-23 04:30:41




















A 12th-grader wrote a college admissions essay about wanting to pursue acareer in oceanography. Let’s call her Isabella. A few months ago, we edited itin my classroom during lunch. The writing was good, but plenty of 17-year-oldsfantasize about swimming with whales. Her essay was distinctive for anotherreason: Her career goals were not the highlight of the essay. They were just ameans of framing her statement of purpose, something surprisingly few personalstatements actually get around to making.


The essay’s core concerned the rhetoric that educators had used to motivateher and her peers—other minority students from low-income communities. She’dbeen encouraged to think of college foremost as a path to socioeconomicmobility. Since elementary school, teachers had rhapsodized about theopportunities that four years of higher education could unlock. Administratorshad rattled off statistics about the gulf in earnings between college graduatesand those with only high-school diplomas. She’d been told to think about herfamily, their hopes for her, what they hadn’t had and what she could have if sheremained diligent. She’d been promised that good grades and a ticket to a goodcollege would lead to a good job, one that would guarantee her financialindependence and enable her to give back to those hard-working people who hadplaced their faith in her.


Thankfully, Isabella decried this characterization as shortsighted andsimplistic. My guess is that only students like her ever have to hear it.


The black and Latino kids I teach live in Inglewood and West Adams in LosAngeles. Their parents are house-cleaners, truck drivers, and non-unioncarpenters. When administrators, counselors, and teachers repeat again and againthat a college degree will alleviate economic hardship, they don’t mean tosuggest that there is no other point to higher education. Yet by focusing onthis one potential benefit, educators risk distracting them from the others,emphasizing the value of the fruits of their academic labor and skipping pastthe importance of the labor itself. The message is that intellectual curiosityplays second fiddle to financial security.


While Isabella’s essay acknowledged her lack of economic advantages andportrayed with sensitivity her parents’ struggles, she was eager to focus firston nurturing her intellectual passion. She detailed how her curiosity about seaurchins and other marine life had led to a passion she wants to sustain throughcollege and a subsequent career. College will ferry her to her intellectualdestiny, not a financial windfall. She’ll make her life’s work what she wants todo, not just what she is able do.


My students are understandably preoccupied with money. They don’t have theprivilege to not worry about it. They fantasize about what their future wealthwill permit them to enjoy. They dream about specific models of cars in certaincolors and gargantuan houses in particular neighborhoods and opulent meals attheir favorite restaurants any time they wish. Many swoon over the East Coastliberal arts colleges they visit on the special trips that my school isthoughtful enough to arrange. Colleges like Swarthmore and Haverford flystudents like Isabella out during college applications season. A few areaccepted but most attend state schools, which, especially in California, canprovide excellent educational opportunities. The irony, though, is that many ofthese students aspire to go to a liberal-arts school but don’t necessarilyunderstand its significance. They’re drawn to sleepy quads, weathered brick, andcascading ivy, but they are resolutely pre-professional in spirit.


In contrast, at the private school I attended for the last two years ofhigh school, my classmates thought about what they wanted to learn in college,not only what they wanted to become. Some knew medical or law school loomed inthe future, but they thought about the work in a different way. My privilegedclassmates enjoyed money, from what I could tell. A few reveled in their carsand clothes, but most appeared to take it for granted. They didn’t talk aboutit. Instead, a future doctor talked about working at the CDC to fight publichealth epidemics. A future lawyer envisioned starting a defense firm to providea service to the hometown community. Most of us wanted to do somethingspecial.


My students’ fantasies of the actual work they’d do in a well-paidprofessional capacity are vague by comparison—practicing law without knowing thedifference between civil and criminal litigation or how to prepare for lawschool, doing business without an understanding of the nuts and bolts ofentrepreneurship. While the vagueness stems from the lack of models in theircommunities, it also comes from the lack of imagination with which mentors haveaddressed their professed college plans. Students hear that being a doctor isgreat because doctors can make money, enjoy respect, and have a great life.Theydon’t hear that being a doctor is great because doctors possess the expertise todo great things.


When schools deemphasize the intellectual benefits of higher education,students become less imaginative about their futures.


The rhetoric echoes the oft-cited work of Jean Anyon, an educationresearcher who died in September. Studying elementary schools, Anyon looked athow schools can condition kids for positions in life. She saw that schoolsteaching the children of affluent families prepared those kids to take onleadership roles and nurtured their capacity for confident self-expression andargument.Schools teaching children from low-income families focused on keepingstudents busy and managing behavior. A middle-class school deemphasizedindividual expression and in-depth analysis and rewarded the dutiful completionof specified rote tasks. In each case, according to Anyon, a “hidden curriculum”has prepared students for a future role in society. Some students learn to takeorders and others learn to chart a course of action and delegate responsibility.School can either perpetuate inequity through social reproduction or have atransformative effect and help students transcend it.


The rhetoric Isabella has heard about the purpose of college has a hiddenmessage as well. When school environments casually yet consistently deemphasizethe intellectual benefits of higher education, students become less imaginativeabout their futures. According to ACT’s College Choice Report from November2013, 32 percent of students pick a college major that doesn’t really interestthem. The same study suggests that students are less likely to graduate whenthey do this. As high school educators know, good students have less troublegetting into selective schools than they do graduating from them – especiallyfirst-generation minority college students like Isabella and her classmates.


College should be “sold” to all students as an opportunity to experience anintellectual awakening. All students should learn that privilege is connected tothe pursuit of passions. People are privileged to follow their hearts in life,to spend their time crafting an identity instead of simply surviving. Access tohigher education means that your values and interests can govern your choices.It makes sense that privileged 18-year-olds who have already learned that lessongravitate to liberal-arts colleges. I would prefer not to live in a country inwhich rhetoric about the purpose of college urges kids from privilegedbackgrounds to be innovators and creators while the poor kids who do very wellin school are taught to be educated, capable employees. Isabella figured it outon her own – much as she’s managed to ace her classes without academic helpoutside of school. To achieve this goal more broadly, though, we need toproactively teach our most marginalized students that honing an intellectuallycurious frame of mind is as essential to leading an invigorating working life asambition and work ethic.



Paragraph headings(段落标题)最频繁的题型之一

在阅读文章的后面给出list ofheadings,一般是10个左右选项,其中含一到两个段落及其标题的例子。要求对题目中给出的段落,根据其内容找出与其相匹配的段落标题。尽管题目说明中提示一个选项可能会适用多个,但正式考试中一般一个选项只能用于一个段落。


1. 首先在list of headings中划去做为例子的heading 或headings,以免在根据段落内容在list ofheadings中找出与其相匹配的段落标题时,它(它们)会干扰考试者对其他headings的选择。

2. 在文章中把做为例子的段落划掉,以免对例子段落进行不必要的精读。

3. 对题目中给出的段落,按照首句(第一、二句)、末句和中间句寻找主题句的方法,在list of headings中找出与其相匹配的段落标题。

4.如果时间允许,按照文章的段落顺序,对非题目中给出的段落及例子段落进行快速阅读,而对题目中给出并要求找出与其相匹配的段落标题的段落进行精读。找出其中心意思后,再在listof headings中找出与其相匹配的段落标题。

5. 选出几个可能匹配的题目进行比较(通常两至三个),当然其中只能有一个为正确答案。


7. 要仔细检察答案,特别是第一题型,因为答错一题,就意味着答错两道题。


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